Setting up your development environment#

Creating a new conda environment#

We recommend that you have an environment dedicated to pyscope development. To create a new environment, run the following command in your terminal:

conda create -n pyscope-dev python=3.11

This will create a new environment called pyscope-dev with Python 3.11 installed. To activate the environment, run:

conda activate pyscope-dev

You can deactivate the environment with:

conda deactivate

Forking the repository#

To contribute to pyscope, you will need to fork the repository. To do this, go to the pyscope GitHub page and click the “Fork” button in the top right corner. This will create a copy of the repository in your GitHub account. Move to a location on your computer where you want to store the repository and run:

git clone<your-username>/pyscope

where <your-username> is your GitHub username. This will create a new folder called pyscope with the repository contents. Move into this folder with:

cd pyscope

Installing dependencies#

Once you have cloned the repository, you can install the development version of pyscope with:

pip install -e ".[dev]"

This will install pyscope in editable mode with all of the development dependencies. We recommend that you use the VSCode IDE with the extensions listed above. You can open the repository in VSCode with:

code .

GitHub Codespaces#


The pyscope repository includes a devcontainer.json file that allows you to develop pyscope in a GitHub Codespace with many of the above tools pre-installed. This is a handy way to develop pyscope without having to go through the setup process on your local machine. To use a Codespace, click the “Code” button in the top right corner of the pyscope GitHub page and select “Open with Codespaces”. This will open a Codespace in your browser. If you have VSCode installed, you can click the “Open with VS Code Desktop” button in the menu from the upper left to use the Codespace from the familiar VSCode interface. You may be prompted to install the GitHub Codespaces extension and other helper extensions.